CelosiaCelosia is the perfect flower to grow in the hottest part of the summer as it is very heat tolerant and will perform at its best when other flowers start looking stressed. Grow celosia for its unique flower blooms and edible leaves. The flower spikes come in three different types: plumosa (large feathery plumes), cristata (cockscomb or coral shaped), and spicata (small flower spikes).
Sowing Information
In Oregon it is highly recommended to start celosia indoors as it needs time to mature before the hottest part of summer. Sow seeds into flats about 6 weeks before the last average frost date. Press seeds into soil, but don't cover, as celosia needs light to germinate. Keep trays at 70 to 80 degrees for germination - a heat mat is recommended. Reduce temperature to 65 degrees after germination and harden off before planting into the garden after all danger of frost has passed. Light Preference
Full sun Soil Requirements
Rich fertile soil high in organic matter; pH 6-7 Growing tips
Pinch growing plants to encourage more branches and blooms. The leaves can be harvested during the season and used as and edible green like spinach. |
Recommended varieties
Click on the photos to learn more about each variety |